Saturday 10 May 2014

Thesis..why are you so harsh on me?

Yes, thesis! My medical school requires all of us to do a thesis before entering clinical year. Thesis is a must in our third year and we have around one year to complete it before entering the hospital. So, what happen to me is I was too lazy to start doing my thesis plus all the exams made me think twice to do my thesis. You see, it's kinda hard to focus on your studies and exams while doing your thesis at the same time. So for lazy and unmotivated people like me, we kinda just skip the thesis part and only think about the exam part. 

Actually, I wasn't that lazy at the beginning. The process basically goes like this:
1. You choose 3 titles for your thesis and hand up the form to the academic and they will choose one of the title you've given as your thesis title and the form will be given back to you.
2. You will then be given 2 preceptors to help you with your whole thesis. ( They won't help you do the thesis of course, but you can consult to them what you should do with your thesis.)
3. You have to meet up with your preceptor and talk to them about your thesis title. If you're lucky, your title will be accepted straight away by your preceptor but if you're not, you will need to change the title again until your preceptor is happy with the title. (I myself have changed my title for 3 times..fuhh~)
4. After your preceptors agree on your title, get their signature on the previous form and give it back to the academic for them to keep all the details about your thesis together with other students'. 
5. When you're done with it, you need to arrange with the academic to choose 3 examiners for you and a date for your proposal exam. 
-finishing your thesis is one problem but finding a date where at least 2 of your examiners and 1 of your preceptor are free and able to come for the exam is another big problem. (I have a friend that tried to find a date free for everyone and only success in finding one after one month.)
6. Depending on your performance on your proposal exam, you might need to do a bit revision and correction on your proposal and then start with your research before finally sitting for the final thesis exam.

To be honest, I find it really hard sometimes to do this and I extremely hate this thesis thing because I'm stuck here with only thesis grabbing me from entering clinical years. I actually even had a thought of quitting medical school because I felt so horrible and demotivated by this thesis. Seeing my friend to enter clinical one by one is really a hard thing to do especially I'm totally clear from all the blocks (block is the system they use where one semester consists of 3 blocks-each block is learning about different body system and there are a total of 21 blocks altogether) plus with constant nagging from my mother about me doing nothing and kept asking me to go back (mom, I am doing something ok? Who says I'm not doing anything, I'm trying to do my thesis here!) I'm sorry mom, you have to be patient about meeting me, I know you miss me already but let me do my thesis first and let's see what fate brings us k? hehe..I can't go home now because going home would mean longer wasted time ( I won't be able to finish my thesis at home..temptations are everywhere dude! How can you resist them? :P ) 

Now I'm back to doing my thesis again after stopping for quite SOME times ( more of a LONG time LOL)
and I did noticed something. When you starts to do something, please please please I beg you, this is for your own good, please don't ever stop doing it because once you stop, the enthusiasm will definitely be gone like *zooopp* and you will find yourself wasting time surfing internet for some useless stuffs, watching some korean drama, eat play sleep like today's your last day on earth and feeling worst each day because you realized you can't get going to do your half done thesis, simply because the mood is gone. If you wanna relax just go ahead and relax, but don't get too far away and forgets your thesis. If you lost the mood, FORCE YOURSELF! I'm that damn type of person that can't do anything if I don't have The Mood but because I know if I don't do it, I WILL REGRET IT in the future. So I did, I force myself to start it again and thank God I can't stop now. One last thing, never forget to ask help from God. He is the best help you can ask for and He will definitely help you in whatever you need. Just be sincere when you ask for help. 

That's all for today's post. Whatever problems you have in medical school, just remember, you have walked so far to come to this day, why waste them all and give up? 

Cheer up, best wishes from me,
missfebruary14  <3

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